In the design, construction, and renovation of commercial cinemas (multiplexes). Due attention should be paid to the issues of sound and vibration insulation, by creating the required acoustic comfort in the premises. Good sound insulation and acoustics of such facilities predetermine their potential future success in the commercial marketplace. It is no coincidence that many reputable developers of cinema technology and equipment, such as Dolby Laboratories Inc. For decades have used their internal standards for the permissible noise values and acoustic parameters of cinema halls.
the maximum sound level in a cinema hall equipped with a Dolby Atmos system
the maximum sound pressure level in the 63 Hz octave band in a cinema hall equipped with the Dolby Atmos system
the maximum permissible level of penetrating noise in a cinema as per the CR "Noise Protection"
the airborne noise insulation index between the cinema halls as recommended by Acoustic Group
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